
red arrowTouch screen operator panels

pannello operatore monitor hmi

4.3" touch-screen HMI with PLC embedded. Equipped with Modbus RTU protocol or CANopen; Modbus TCP and TCPRTU on Ethernet interface.

plc arm9 touchscreen hmi

7" touch-screen HMI with PLC embedded. Equipped with Modbus RTU protocol and CANopen (optional); Modbus TCP and TCPRTU on Ethernet interface.

Our touch screen operator panels are made with requirements that make them ready for industry 4.0 and they are able to become the right solution for your applications, whatever they may be, thanks to the high possibility of customization. Entirely produced in Italy, the Mect operator panels are the most compact solution on the industrial automation market, available with horizontal or vertical monitors. Integrated with PLC and expandable with remote input and output modules, Usb, Ethernet (Modbus TCP), CAN (CANopen), RS485 (Modbus RTU) can connect and expand the operator panel, allowing the connection to a storage system such as a Micro SD card.

The ability to use a free software suite, the Mect Suite, which includes Qt graphics libraries and it is available for free to our customers, without annual license renewal and with updates included for everyone, and remotely control the application through the sMily service, makes the choice of Mect operator panels a high-level, reliable and competitive solution on the side of technical support even remotely. These are HMI operator panels with integrated PLC that allow the regulation, monitoring and management of applications of complex machines, thanks to the high performance in compact panels of various sizes, providing connectivity, control and performance.

More technical details are available on the pages of the individual templates, find out more.